The faster of the two editors is by far Final Cut. Final Cut Pro, on the other hand, is Mac exclusive (you could always go down the Hackintosh route, but that’s a whole different topic).
If not, there are other free alternative softwares to use. When comparing Adobe Premiere Pro CC vs Lightworks, the Slant community recommends Adobe Premiere Pro CC for most people. Adobe Premiere Pro is cross-platform, meaning it will run on both macOS and Windows. Advice to start being a "content creator" for someone who knows nothing Save your University (.edu) email address! You can find lots of discounts with a valid Uni email address, like Adobe Apps including Premiere Pro ($239/annual) which is a wonderful app for video editing if you plan to create things like intros and outros, or simple video editing for YouTube (if you plan on going that route).

Let me know what you think, okay? Lightworks is another popular one but personally I've never really liked it. Enjoy watching this Toaru Video of mine all the way to the end. Editors looking for straightforward software for social media-friendly content, or those looking to begin editing on the go and move to Premiere Pro for more in-depth editing.Depending on where you stand on the Mac versus PC argument, this may not be of. Final Cut Pro is Apple software, and can only be used on a Mac, whereas Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve works well on both PCs and Macs.